First Friday Session

Well to say i was a little apprehensive would be the understatement of the century…

First friday meeting with the group at the local support programme for members of the community who battle with addiction…

Awake at  3.30 am – i was wondering why I hadn’t remembered yesterday to get the chicken wire out of the shed which is full to the brim with stuff..

I was also conscious of getting down to wexford on time..

and how in hell was the first session going to go down..

first thing i was out the garden ripping the chicken wire off which keeps the dog in from the neighbors garden..there was a lot of shrubbery which had interweaved itself into the wire which was a nice way to focus my mind on how the session might go..

meeting with a new group is always difficult.. not being entirely sure of what would happen & whether we would have any people or too many people — how would they react to us? How would they react to the Egg Drop? there are just so many variables but i knew there was a good group of us going over so we had that on our side..

we had discussed previously amongst ourselves to keep the entire project as relaxed as possible.. after meeting with Jennie & Tina (leaders) whom had asked us all to keep a low key chilled out approach to the sessions, they were concerned about making it too focused arts wise & making it too rule based (time participation etc)

we had no problem with that approach – we have been in groups, we have had the forceful facilitator -most groups dont react well to a forceful facilitation approach, but i was concerned that the laid back approach could get us into trouble in other ways..

this is a personal thing for me..- I have had the best of experiences and the worst of experiences in groups .. and i was a little scared…

I needn’t have worried..

We shared the load & we laughed like hell..

it was seriously good crack and to see people warm to you and the others just because we offered time and energy was very rewarding..

its an ‘eggcellent’  way to end off the week..

First Friday Session

One thought on “First Friday Session

  1. It was a “crackin'” day! Lets hope the other “yolks” found it as fun as us! Your dead right by the way on …” what a way to end the week” .. never thought of it like that before but it puts you in a good mood. Cant wait for next week …

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